Sunday, August 20, 2023

Post Three

Here's a draft of the Campaign Record Sheet tracking rules. These aren't in a finalized form or been laid out graphically.
The main part of the Campaign Record / Referee Sheet is a clock tracker. Each Adversary or Faction that's important enough should have a tracker filled out by the Referee.

The components of each tracker are:
 - Name of the Adversary or Faction
 - Their Power rank
 - Goals
 - Weakness
 - Special Abilities
 - Actions that Help the Adversary
 - Defeating the Adversary

How to Use the Tracker
The boxes will be marked during game play and when all the boxes are marked the Adversary advances its Goals in some manner. A box can be marked with either a Checkmark or crossed out with an X. Checkmarks are temporary while X’s are permanent.
The tracker begins with a number of boxes crossed out equal to its Power. Different game events will either add a Checkmark or an X to the tracker, which one is dependent on the severity of the event and its relation to the Adversary.

How to Defeat an Adversary
For each rank of an Adversary's Power the Referee should determine an action or outcome that will reduce its influence and strength. If the Adversary increases its Power before the adventurers are able to defeat it then the Referee should create a new objective to correspond with its new Power rank.


Here is an example tracker for the Caves of Chaos from B2: Keep on the Borderlands.

Name: The Caves of Chaos

Power: 3    [ X ][ X ][ X ][   ][   ][   ][   ][   ][   ][   ]
When all the boxes are filled with either X’s or checkmarks, increase the Power by 1 and erase all checkmarks. Cross out a new box and advance the goals of the Caves. 

Goals: Spread the corruption of the star seed across the land. Increase uncertainty, distrust, and war between humanoids.

Weakness: The Caves monsters falling under the control of Order aligned creatures; The Caves monsters being killed or forced to flee.

Special Abilities: As long as the star seed is in the Caves, new monsters will move into empty sections of the Caves within 1d10 weeks.

Helping the Adversary Gain Power: 
- At the start of a session, add a Checkmark.
- When an adventurer dies within the Caves, add a Checkmark.
- When monsters outside the Caves fall under the star seeds influence, add an X. 
- When an adventurer advances their Chaos rank, add an X.

Defeating the Caves of Chaos:
[   ] Expose the human agents in the Keep that are aligned with the Caves.
[   ] End the conflict between the monsters of the Caves and the people of the Keep.
[   ] Remove the star seed from the Caves of Chaos.
Once each objective is met the Referee should mark the box. When all objectives have been completed the Caves in their current form are no longer a threat. The star seed will likely cause problems wherever it is taken or the manner of its destruction my cause new problems to arise but the Caves of Chaos have been dealt with.


0  Faction has meager influence over a few blocks of a town or one village.
1  Faction has a strong influence on a town or multiple villages.
2  Faction controls a major part of a town.
3  Faction has complete control of a town and major control of countryside.
4  Faction is able to take and defend territory from other towns.
5  Faction controls an entire nation.
6 Faction is the controlling force of the world.

In the example of the Caves of Chaos, the star seed is in control of the Caves themselves and exerts a strong influence on the surrounding countryside. If the Caves Power increased to 4 I think it would fit the scenario to have the human agents of the Cave take control over the Keep, incognito or in force.

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